digital Insurance


At DigitalCook, we help insurers manage and mitigate risk by hiring an agile team of superior insurance and technical expertise.
Our dedicated workforce streamlines implementation and enhances the skills of existing staff.
Our team is staffed by experienced professionals, technicians, and engineers, ready to help your business prosper and get the most out of technology. Our digital insurance services include:

Business Analysis
Project Management
Forms Design & Development
End User Training
Data Migration and more

With several years of experience in the digital field, DigitalCook has worked with insurance customers to successfully support their IT system implementation and operation digitization processes.

We employ proven tools, templates, methods, and technologies to deliver our customers with the best possible results. We follow agile principles and transparent processes in order to reach optimal objectives.

Our Capabilities for Digitizing Insurance

Automation and digitization

In the past, manual, paper-based operations were the main tool to manage processes, but today there needs to be a better and more automated method to handling insurance operations.

It is unacceptable for companies nowadays to have errors and delays in processes. Businesses need to go through a company-wide reinvention process instead of just automating their existing ones. Reinvention is not just about eliminating paper and manual steps.

However, it requires rethinking the process itself to complete tasks faster and more accurately. Process digitization in insurance companies needs to be sleek and include essential steps, approvals, and documentation. At DigitalCook, we can help you achieve just that. As a result, your insurance company can be successful and you can guarantee a smooth user experience.

A successful digitization of your operations can lead to cost reduction, resources optimization, and conversion rates improvement.

Customization of processes

With DigitalCook’s solution, customization of your IT system does not require time-consuming and expensive coding changes. And Business users can use intuitively designed configuration tools for workflow setup. All of this happens within another pre-defined environment from the source code. Insurance companies can easily enjoy all the benefits of a flexible system that’s easy to update and scale.

Data analytics for smarter strategies

Understanding insurance company data is not difficult. Powerful yet easy-to-use analytics give CIOs smart new ways to discover and optimize previously hidden patterns and unknown trend.

Support data helps businesses tweak their existing systems and make valuable adjustments that enhance their overall performance. Analytics Insights into company operations help insurance managers get more information and make faster and more informed business decisions.

Benefits of Digital Insurance

In order to improve and automate operations, the insurance industry needs to digitize business operations. Benefits of this digitization include:
Exceed customer expectations
Positive results using data analytics
Cost reduction
Better employee experience
Take advantage of low-code capabilities

Contact us today to benefit from our digital insurance services !

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Exceed customer expectations

Today's customers demand immediate service and products. This can include correspondence, payment statements, and more. Insurance is a consumer-centric service and requires an infrastructure to meet client demands. This digital technology enables personalized interactions through features such as self-service portals, chatbots, and applications. These features automate the insurance process, enable businesses to reach out to customers as needed, and improve brand loyalty.

Positive results using data analytics

Insurance applications generate vast amounts of data that help employees do their jobs better. Employees can enter and analyze this data through the customer relationship management (CRM) software in order to improve business practices. Customers can get better rates, get customized packages and anticipate their needs. Predictive analytics can identify red flags of possible fraud and billing issues.

Cost reduction

Insurance is a costly business, but digital companies such as DigitalCook have a track record of cost savings for organizations and their customers. Better data, artificial intelligence, and predictive analytics will lead to more accurate underwriting costs, faster time to market for new digital insurance products, and an edge for digital businesses.

Better employee experience

Digital insurance can enhance the organization’s bottom line and improve employee efficiency. Intelligent dashboards, SaaS application implementations, and comprehensive data systems enable employees to do their jobs more efficiently and increase company efficiency.

Take advantage of low-code capabilities

A common concern for most insurers is the investment required to go fully digital. The cost of hiring IT professionals and investing in complex digital platforms can be overwhelming. Businesses can take advantage of low-code capabilities that allow users to simply drag and drop the functionality they need to build their unique digital platform. The benefits of insurance processes digitization remain the same while investments are kept low.

The Technologies We Use

There are many technological pillars that enable the success of digital insurance companies.

  • Artificial intelligence system: This is the main pillar of our digital insurance capabilities. Artificial intelligence (AI) performs instant calculations, speeding up processing and smoothing communication lines. Artificial intelligence can be used for claim underwriting, new business acquisition, marketing campaigns, and customer retention. It also creates a balance between automated and customized services. Customers value speed, but they also want a personal touch. At DigitalCook, we help you deliver the perfect combination of that.

Machine learning (ML) is becoming increasingly important as more insurers integrate self-service applications and portals into their systems. Machine learning leverages data and analytical tools to accelerate services like billing. Use programmed data, pre-configured algorithms, and shared customer data to provide fast, seamless service when your users need it.

  • Internet of things: The Internet of Things or IoT gives insurers access to vast amounts of customer data collected in real time. Customer profiles and their coverage options requirements are determined. It also reveals possible fraud. There are connected technologies such as telematics that businesses must use (with customer consent) as a bridge. This approval is easy to obtain because our customers know that sharing this information will help them save even more on their monthly premiums. 
  • Big Data analytics: Digital insurance capabilities generate vast amounts of data. With the right analytical tools, insurers can get a complete picture of their business. You can also improve and sell your products based on your data insights.
  • Software as a service or SaaS: Digital capabilities need to be seamless and fast, so hosting all these solutions on-premises can slow your company down. The best way to capitalize on digital opportunities is with a comprehensive software-as-a-service (SaaS)-based solution that provides all the resources you need to host services, support, and manage the digital insurance tools and applications effectively. DigitalCook deliver the software as a service cloud model and enables you to capture all its benefits through a seamless and user-friendly platform.
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