Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing enables companies to use multiple digital tools such as hardware and software seamlessly over the Internet. Cloud providers are companies that offer a variety of cloud services. DigitalCook delivers quality cloud services to companies of different sizes and different natures.

Before the cloud, users would have to download applications and software and turn them locally on their physical computers. Cloud enables users to access these solutions easily over the Internet.

Cloud computing relies on remote machines, rather than on the machines currently in use. In the cloud computing, remote servers store and process information.

Cloud servers free up storage space and computing power for individual computers by remotely hosting software, databases, and platforms. At DigitalCook, we offer our users credential that they can use to access their cloud resources seamlessly and securely.

Why Migrate to the Cloud and Benefit from DigitalCook’s Services?

When adopting a cloud infrastructure through our services at DigitalCook, businesses can capture many benefits. Benefits of cloud computing include:

Fast deployment

Thanks to the cloud, developers can easily test and run their cloud applications in seconds. This significantly accelerates the software development process. 

Automatic software upgrades

Software updates can be easily tested and deployed with automation. They can also be integrated and delivered in a cloud environment. This increases the speed of product innovation. It also makes more features available to users on a regular basis.The cloud environment enables integration with DevOps tools, improving system monitoring and detection of issues.

Efficiency and cost reduction

The cloud decreases costs significantly. Businesses don’t have to spend copious amounts of money on buying, installing, and maintaining expensive equipment. In addition, they don’t need to invest in data centers or hosting facilities since the cloud provider offers all that.

Furthermore, we offer you the expertise you need to handle your cloud operations seamlessly without causing downtime or disruptions.

Improve Security and Gain Flexibility

Data Security

Data security is an integral part of any organization’s IT system. Data breaches can be dangerous for a company’s reputation. Thanks to the cloud security features, you can guarantee your data’s safety.

Features such as permissions and access management with defined roles help decrease access to sensitive data. This limits the access to specific employees, reducing significantly the risks of attack.

Cloud storage providers employ specific security measures, including access control, authentication management, and encryption. Most organizations enhance these protections with their own additional security measures. This enhances cloud privacy and limits access to sensitive information in the cloud.


Every company has different IT needs. IT needs in a large company with over 1000 employees are not the same as in a start-up. Cloud-based solutions are convenient for companies that have increasing bandwidth requirements. You can seamlessly increase your cloud resources without needing to invest in hardware infrastructure to accommodate your growing needs. This enables you to gain considerable advantage over your competitors.

This scalability minimizes risks associated with internal operational issues and maintenance activities. DigitalCook puts its powerful resources at your disposal for professional solutions, no upfront investment required.

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Cloud Certifications

Benefit From the Expertise of our Certified Consultants

Our team of cloud consultants is trained, experienced and certified in:

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Microsoft Azure Solutions
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
VMware Cloud Management and Automation (VCP-CMA)
Kubernetes Application Development (CKAD)
Cisco CCNP Cloud
Learn more


What are the Different Cloud Computing Types?

Each cloud abstracts, aggregates, and shares scalable computing resources over a network. Each type of cloud also enables cloud computing, or running workloads within this system. Each cloud is also built with a unique set of technologies, most often including an operating system, some form of management platform, and an application programming interface or API. You can also add virtualization and automation software to any type of cloud to add functionality and efficiency.  The distinction between public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, and multi cloud was previously defined simply in terms of location and ownership. However, the detailed modern differences are mentioned below: Public cloud: The public cloud is not exclusively owned by the user.  Traditional public clouds have always been offsite. However, nowadays public cloud providers are starting to offer their services in their customers' on-premises data centers. The distinction between location and ownership has therefore become obsolete. The cloud is considered public when the environment is split and redistributed across multiple customers. Some cloud providers allow their clients to use their cloud for free, so pricing is no longer a required feature of public clouds. The public cloud providers’ IT infrastructure can be abstracted and sold as infrastructure as a service or IaaS. It can also be developed into cloud platforms and sold as platform as a service or PaaS.  Private cloud:  A private cloud is broadly defined as a cloud environment dedicated to a single end-user or group. In general, the private cloud environment runs behind that unique user's or group's firewall. The cloud is considered private when the underlying IT infrastructure is allocated to only one of the cloud provider’s customers which is granted completely isolated access. However, you no longer need to get your private cloud out of your local IT infrastructure. Enterprises are now building private clouds in leased, vendor-owned data centers off-premises, disabling all location and ownership rules. Thanks to this factor, there has been a rise in the number of private cloud subtypes.

What is the Infrastructure as a Service Model?

Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS includes the most essential elements of cloud IT. This cloud model consists of network capabilities, physical computers, virtual hardware, and data storage. The infrastructure as a service model provides users with flexibility and administrative control over IT tools and equipment. 

What is the Platform as a Service Model?

The platform as a Service cloud model offers more freedom to companies. This is by handling the management of the entire infrastructure and enabling the users to focus on application management and deployment. Developers don't need to worry about resource procurement, software maintenance, capacity planning, or patching. Our team at DigitalCook handles all that for you.

What is the Software as a Service Model?

Through the Software as a Service or SaaS cloud computing model, we offer our customers a finished product fully operated and managed by us. Most of the time, when we talk about software as a service, we're referring to end-user applications.  Users don’t need to worry about infrastructure management or maintenance. Web-based email is a popular example of a SaaS model application.  This allows you to send and receive e-mail without having to manage additional features of your e-mail product or maintain the server or operating system on which your e-mail program is running.

What are The Private Cloud Subtypes?

Managed private cloud: this subtype enables customers to create and use a private cloud provided, configured and managed by a third party. A managed private cloud is a cloud deployment option that helps understaffed organizations or companies with under skilled IT teams to provide more efficient private cloud services and infrastructure. Dedicated cloud: This subtype is considered a cloud within another cloud. You can have your dedicated cloud in a public cloud or a private cloud. For example, the accounting department might have its own dedicated cloud within the company's private cloud.  Hybrid cloud: A hybrid cloud looks like a single IT environment created from multiple environments connected via local area networks (LANs), virtual private networks (VPNs), wide area networks (WANs) or APIs. The hybrid cloud is complicated. It needs to include one public and one private cloud minimum, 2 or more private clouds, and a virtual infrastructure or dedicated physical resources that are rented from a virtual cloud provider. Conversely, when an app can move in and out of several environments that are individual and connected at the same time, the IT system becomes a hybrid cloud. At least some of these environments should come from integrated IT resources that can grow as needed. Multiple clouds: Multi cloud is a cloud approach consisting of multiple cloud services from multiple cloud providers (public or private). Any hybrid cloud is also a multi-cloud computing environment. On the other hand, not all multi-clouds environments are hybrid cloud environments. When several clouds are connected through integration, a multi cloud can be considered as a hybrid cloud. Multi-cloud environments can exist intentionally. This enables better control of sensitive data and offers redundant storage space which enhances disaster recovery. They can also exist accidentally as a result of shadow IT. In both ways, multiple clouds are becoming more common in organizations looking to improve security and productivity through an extended portfolio of environments.
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